Woman in white shirt writing with stethoscope on the foreground.

4 Challenges Facing Today’s Private Medical Practices

Private medical practices have long been essential providers of healthcare, serving the needs of millions of individuals and families. However, these practices are facing significant challenges in the current healthcare environment. Here are some of the challenges currently facing private medical practices and some possible solutions: 1. Financial Pressures Financial pressures are one of the…

Photo of doctor with tablet illustrates blog: "Medical Legal Billing in California: Bill Proposes Change to Independent Bill Review (IBR) Fees"

Medical Legal Billing in California: Bill Proposes Change to Independent Bill Review (IBR) Fees

A proposed piece of legislation (AB 399) would limit to $50 the fee to determine eligibility for Independent Bill Review. Here’s what you need to know. What Is Independent Bill Review (IBR)? Simply put, Independent Bill Review, or IBR, is a non-judicial process for resolving California medical-legal billing disputes where the medical provider disagrees with…

Photo of smiling doctor in her office illustrates blog: "Can an IBR Determination Be Appealed?"

Can an IBR Determination Be Appealed?

In a previous post, we took at the Independent Bill Review (IBR), a process for resolving medical-legal billing disputes in California. But can an IBR determination be appealed? In this post, we give you a detailed answer.  What Is an Independent Bill Review (IBR)? As we saw in another post, an Independent Bill Review is…