Female doctor sitting at desk in front of computer illustrates blog "Why Is Medical Billing Important?"

Why Is Medical Billing Important?

Medical billing is a vital part of the healthcare system that ensures that healthcare providers receive the necessary reimbursement to continue providing quality care to their patients. This blog will explore why medical billing is important to the healthcare system and the potential consequences of not properly billing. 1. Proper Reimbursement Medical billing is essential…

Photo of two smiling doctors illustrates blog: "California’s DWC Studies Proposal To Increase Time To Schedule Medical-Legal Evaluations"

California’s DWC Studies Proposal To Increase Time To Schedule Medical-Legal Evaluations

California’s Division of Workers’ Compensation has announced that it will hold a public hearing on the adoption of new regulations, including extending the time frame to schedule a medical-legal evaluation.  Medical-Legal Evaluations in California: What You Need To Know In California, a medical-legal evaluation is a process where a certified health professional (Qualified Medical Evaluator,…