Passing the mandatory examination is just one of the steps you need to take as a QME in California. Once you pass the exam, there are other situations you will need to handle. For example, what happens if you want to add or substitute an office location? In today’s blog, we tell you everything you need to know.
What Do QMEs Do?
A Qualified Medical Evaluator (or QME) is a physician certified by the Medical Unit of California’s Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) to examine injured workers and write medical-legal reports that reflect their findings.
The work of QMEs is essential to the workers’ compensation process because their medical-legal reports help determine if an injured worker is eligible for workers’ compensation benefits.
In order to become QMEs, doctors must first pass an exam and pay an annual fee. QMEs appointed after 1993 are reappointed every two years.
How Can QMEs Add Another Office Location?
When registering as a QME, you are required to indicate an office location. But what happens when you open a new facility while maintaining the previous one? Here’s what you need to do:
- Write a letter to California’s Division of Workers’ Compensation requestin to add a new location.
- Make sure to include in your letter the street address of the new location, phone number and e-mail address.
- You are required to pay a $100 fee for each additional office you wish to add.
California’s Division of Workers’ Compensation recommends QMEs to add all new offices when they pay their annual feel. You can add new locations at any other time, but “you will be billed again for that location when you pay your annual fee.”
In case you want to replace an office or close it, all you have to do is send a leter to the DWC Medical Unit making sure to include the date you wish the office closed. The change will be made when the DWC Medical Unit gets your letter.
Practice IQ: Medical Billing Services in California
At Practice IQ, we understand the challenges healthcare professionals face in today’s fast-paced world. That’s why we have made it our mission to take care of the administrative side of medical-legal reports and billing so you can focus on what you do best.
We are located in Pomona, California, and serve clients all over the Golden State. Get in touch today by telephone (424-433-5704) or email (, or fill out the contact form to learn more about our services.